How to access our secure portal to upload documents

Existing Clients Upload Instruction
  1. Use the Client Sign In (Username given to you via an activation email from our office. If you cannot recall your username or password click the “Forgot username/Password” link just above the sign in button)
  2. Click the “Upload file(s)” link and add files from your computer.
  3. Optional – you can create a folder with the Year and then upload your files 
New Clients Upload Instruction
  1. Use the Guest Exchange 
  2. Click “Upload Files” 
  3. Enter your Name, and Email address.
  4. Include an additional message.
  5. Click the “Select” button to upload file(s) from your computer.
  6. Click the “Upload” button to send the file(s).

 Ready to Upload? Click here! 

Thank you for your business!